Why Adult Models are involving in Phone Sex Business?


When internet messengers have become a thing, spending the majority of your time typing, texting, and video calling, who would still consider audio calling for getting an orgasm? The technologies we create take various shapes to turn as a medium of lots of other things, virtual sex is one of them. Presently, when life is becoming dependent on contemporary technologies, is Phone sex operator business still a thing?

My first instinct, as an individual in 2018, would say a clear ‘No’. Phone sex! I don’t think it exists anymore. It’s a 90s thing when voice calling was a big deal. Today, we have got WhatsApp, Tinder, Webcam chat rooms, and most of all, lots of free porn on the internet; why would anyone still be interested in paying to the Phone sex operator businesses?

A small market of phone sex still exists

In past, companies have made huge sums by tempting people to use their phones to talk dirty with anonymous ladies. However, it was hardly an industry in itself. However, a considerable market for Phone sex operator business is still kicking. The medium of communication has changed from the traditional landline or mobile phone calls to Internet-based voice calling. We might say, phone sex is now co-operating with other contemporary mediums like webcams, video conferencing, and app-based adult businesses.

Why women still going for phone sex?

If we talk about individual interests, like every other job, being a phone sex operator is a way to earn money. It has become a part of the adult industry, which is providing jobs to millions of people involved in serving it.

As a regular earning source

The most obvious reason for choosing any career is the prospects for making some good money. Phone sex as a career might not be a stable source of income like it used to be in the 90s, but it is still a great contributor to the adult industry. A lot of adult businesses are offering audio-sex services, in addition to other contemporary mediums. So, women interested in the adult industry for making some good money, see phone-sex operation as an additional way to earn capital and lead a good life.

Pleasure of owning your own business

Owning a dedicated phone sex operation business is not a big deal, as it used to be in the 90s. One can easily set up a business using various Phone sex software and mobile apps available on the internet. If carried using traditional telephony, it could have been a little complicated for individual entrepreneurs. However, with internet telephony being so accessible, a simple Phone sex software on your laptop can do the magic, and you can master your business. A simple software can integrate all those complicated rules for phone sex services. By complicated rules we mean the ways to make money such as fixing a rental, fixing per-minute rates, a dashboard to analyze earnings and much more.

Comfort of working from home

If talking to someone on the phone while sitting in the comfort of your underwear can contribute some good earnings, what’s bad in that? You don’t need to get in your formals, carry a laptop bag to your workplace; just pick your phone, talk to strangers, and make money. This comfort is responsible for enticing a majority of women to choose this source of income.

Part-time job to finance education

Being independent is the ultimate goal for many women. If not a full-time job, then talking dirty with strangers for a fixed time, apart from the regular daily routines, is not a bad deal either. In fact, many women, who cannot afford their university fee with their regular income, chose this income source to become independent. For many, this temporary career is a way to finance higher education, so that they can choose the careers of their dreams.

Part-time earning to finance cosmetic surgeries

Cosmetic surgeries have become a massive trend in the US and many parts of Europe. With an aim to look their best, many women choose cosmetic surgeries as easy ways to achieve the desired looks. However, these procedures are quite expensive. In fact, too expensive for an independent woman with an average income. Hence, working as a phone sex model comes as an accessible way, in addition to other mediums, to earn the funds for their goal.

Why Phone-sex when webcam is a trend now?

Do phone sex operators make good money? Certainly for yes. Phone sex is not only a part of the adult industry but also a dedicated service in itself. This particular genre is surviving, and in fact, thriving with the contemporary mediums. Above all, an orgasm over the phone is accessible for both the phone sex operators and consumers in many ways.

One to one connection

Jason (made up name) makes call to his favorite phone sex operator, at least twice a week. He spends an average of $100 in a week itself. When asked about his preference to phone sex over the webcam shows, he says- “Phone sex is more intimate. I can feel that one-to-one connection with my favorite model that I miss when doing the same on a webcam show with hundreds of others in the same chat room. There is no best feeling than a woman whispering into your ears.” For many consumers like Jason, receiving a dedicated attention from a woman is fantasy. They miss that one-to-one connection, even in the private webcam shows.

More privacy than web-cams

Not just the cam models, but also the consumers feel a little reluctant to webcam shows. Models fear the breach in their personal life, while consumers do not like revealing their faces on the internet. In all this, both the parties, loose that ultimate experience when communication go just one-sided. How? Consumers prefer switching off their webcams and just live with the one-way feed from the model. As a result, the only way to communicate remains the text chat. Not very connecting, isn’t it?

There have been many cases in the past when bad consumers have threatened cam-models to reveal their real identity on the internet or to their families. For what? Just to get free service or for fun sometimes. Phone sex gives a better way for both the parties to maintain their privacy. At least, the models don’t have to fear from rogue consumers.

To summarize

There could be many more reasons for why phone-sex operator business is still a thing in 2018. From unconventional ways to make money through financial domination, liberation from limitations in physical appearances, to keeping the identities private, phone-sex still provides the benefits that modern-day techs cannot. Indeed, the medium of operation has changed over time (telephony to internet calling). Now, this service is being offered as a mix with the modern-day services, to keep up with the evolution, but it is still a thing and continues to entice many men women to it.